Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Introverts Can Conquer SAD in the Workplace - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How Introverts Can Conquer SAD in the Workplace - Introvert Whisperer How Introverts Can Conquer SAD in the Workplace Every year around this time, the winter weather sets in. And, of course, once the cold weather and the gray skies arrive, seasonal affective disorder isn’t far behind. It can be difficult for an introvert to push through a bustling, talkative, social workday at the best of times, but seasonal gloom can make it feel impossible to get going. What is SAD? Seasonal affective disorder or SAD is a seasonal depression that typically sets in around the fall when the weather begins to cool off and the days get shorter. When the days begin to get significantly longer once again the heavy veil of seasonal depression typically lifts as well, leaving you feeling better for the spring and summer until the cycle repeats again. If you already suffer from things like stress and anxiety in the workplace, SAD can ramp up those worries and push people to try to avoid their workplaces and other social settings as much as possible â€" especially introverts who love to have space and time to themselves. Fighting Back Of course, just because you want to avoid work doesn’t mean you can. While staying in bed until 12 pm, moving to the couch for a few hours, and then hitting the sack early may sound like all you’re capable of, at some point you’ve got to rally, get dressed, and head to work. Don’t worry, though. There’s no need to despair! Here are a few tips and suggestions to help you combat the seasonal blues while you’re working each day this fall and winter. Drink Tea There’s something encouraging about having a hot cup of tea by your elbow as you work. Not only does tea create a peaceful setting, but studies have also shown that tea can help fight depression. It’s also linked to reward learning, all of which helps to promote a more positive mindset throughout your day. Use Light Therapy It’s been reported that allowing a significant amount of light into a workspace relieves symptoms for as much as 70% of those struggling with SAD. If you work in an office where you can open shades or pull back the curtains, try to do so. You can even request a desk that is close to a window. If the gloom is still too thick, even with the natural light coming in, consider getting a lightbox. Sitting by a lightbox for specific periods of time throughout the day can be a great way to boost your mood and help you shake off the sad feelings. Try CBD Oil CBD oil interacts with the endocannabinoid system and can help you manage a variety of different ailments, including SAD. Some are physical in nature, such as pain and inflammation. However, it can also help with mental processes â€" including depression. If you’re feeling the doldrums creeping in as the days get shorter, consider adding a dose of CBD oil to your morning routine before you head to work. It may be just what you need to help calm your nerves and boost your spirits. Embrace Minimalism It may sound odd to begin cleaning up the clutter around your office as a way to feel less depressed. However, when you declutter in the name of minimalism, it can actually do wonders with your overall attitude and positivity. Minimalism is a mantra that embraces purpose and meaning in your possessions. If your space is filled with meaningless items, it can add to the stress and anxiety. Rather than fight through the overwhelming feeling, take steps to clear your space, clear your head, and ultimately uplift your spirits. Experiment With Hygge Along with adopting a minimalist mindset, consider embracing a hygge atmosphere for your workspace. While the Danish concept can’t be clearly translated into an English word, it’s embodied in the ideas of coziness, warmth, and comfort. Hygge is warm cocoa, a fireplace, and candles. It’s snuggling inside when it’s snowing outside. In short, it takes the worst things about the SAD season and embraces them. Shifting your office decor, daily habits, and overall thoughts and routines towards a more hygge attitude can be a great way to lift your spirits on the shortest days of the year. Conquering SAD in the Workplace Whether you’re embracing lifestyle changes like hygge and minimalism, incorporating CBD oil and light therapy into your daily schedule, or simply pouring yourself a warm cup of tea, there are many ways for an introvert to conquer the effects of SAD, even in the workplace. The crucial starting point is recognizing that the desire to lie in bed all day isn’t necessarily part of your introverted nature. Take steps to filter your thoughts, look for unhealthy thoughts and cognitive distortions, and then differentiate the depression from the introspection. If, when you do so, you find that you’re struggling with some SAD symptoms, refer to the list above as a starting point and begin to take steps to address them. However you choose to go about it, just remember that the only way to truly be beaten by depression is if you don’t lift a finger to stop it. Image Source: Pexels BY SAM BOWMAN Sam Bowman is a freelance writer and introvert who enjoys getting to utilize the internet for the community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time, he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore. Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!   Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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